We believe that everyone has the power to make a difference, and together, we can achieve great things.

If you are passionate about promoting health and wellness, raising awareness about thrombosis, and supporting students, there are many ways you can get involved with our organization.

  1. Volunteer - Join us at events and activities to help spread the word about our mission.

  2. Fundraise - Host a fundraiser in your community, school, or workplace to support our cause.

  3. Donate - Every donation, no matter the size, helps us achieve our mission.

  4. Spread the word - Share information about our organization and its mission with your family, friends, and on social media.

  5. Partner with us - If you are a business or organization, consider partnering with us to reach a wider audience and positively impact young people's lives.

Please submit this contact form for more information on how to get involved. We look forward to working together to create a healthier future for young people and raise awareness about thrombosis.