Together, We Can Make a Difference

Support our mission to promote health and wellness, raise awareness about thrombosis, and provide scholarships to students by joining us in making a positive impact in the lives of young people. Your donation will help us:

  1. Fund community outreach programs that educate young people about the importance of healthy living and the dangers of thrombosis.

  2. Provide scholarships to students pursuing degrees in health and wellness-related fields, enabling them to achieve their academic and personal goals.

  3. Partner with community organizations to promote health and wellness through activities and events that engage young people and families.

Your donation, no matter the size, will make a difference and help us achieve our mission. To make a donation, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Click the "Donate" button on our website.

  2. Fill out the online donation form with your personal information and the amount you would like to donate.

  3. Choose your preferred payment method, either credit card or PayPal.

  4. Review and confirm your donation.

Thank you for your generous support. Together, we can create a healthier future for young people and raise awareness about thrombosis.
